Saturday, March 15, 2008

they're here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

My mom used to mark on her kitchen calender the day they would arrive and then transfer that date to the new calender and keep a chart. That chart got kind of "behind" a few (missed a few years in a row), but I started it back up a few years ago to keep track the way she did. I think of the song ...

Hummingbird Don't Fly Away!

Have a great one!

Missa said...

Good song...
I didn't actually see one. one was spotted (and confirmed in my area)... I had one of those dreadfully long days at work :).
Have a good one!

Woogie said...

I hope they didn't get blown away in the storms last night...