Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Eclipse 2,20,2008


Woogie said...

These are very kewel! I haven't uploaded yet. The red color was awesome, my camera hust couldn't capture it. Beautiful eary spring night huh?..

Missa said...

Oh yes!

My camera is not too good at the night sky, but, if you click on the pics, there are a couple that were interesting.

Have a great day!

Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

OMG you got it by CAMERA! That's so neat! I wish my camera did night time shots. It does (I just don't know how to operate it for night - lol.)

It was a beautiful evening outside last night! Really enjoyed it. Glad you did!

While I'm here, I'll give a "yes" to the recipe blog for sure! Don't know how much I'll be able to contribute but I'll be glad to give it a try, for sure! (love cooking) My cousin just sent me 4 jars of HIS homemade Salsa from his garden goodies (it's so good). He didn't send the recipe (again). He keeps telling me each year that he will send it (what's that tell ya?) LOL! Oh well... I'm glad to get the salsa!

Missa said...

I love home made goodies!

I figure that giving home mead goods are presents from the heart. :) I would love to see what comes from your region.

As far as the moon- it took about 40 shots to get 4- I don't know how to make night pictures either. Mom Nature decided to help me out on the few that were visible.

Thanks for stopping by.